Headteacher's Welcome
Crookhorn College stands for four core principles: Respect, Commitment, Responsibility and Achievement.
These are known collectively as our Cornerstones and underpin every aspect of life at the College. Learning at Crookhorn is dynamic, exciting and focused, and opportunities for personal development flourish.
As a College, our ambition is for students to achieve levels of success which surpass their expectations. As a community, we aim that no child ever feels ‘lonely’ in the classroom, fearful of learning or afraid of making a mistake. Our aspiration is for them to be the future leaders in their chosen field and it’s my passion to facilitate this journey; the learning journey itself becomes the passion of the student.
We nurture creativity together with sound moral values, and self-awareness with self-esteem which, coupled with our academic yet balanced curriculum, this enables us to grow confident young individuals who are ready to meet the challenges and enjoy the opportunities that life presents to them as the ‘next generation’.