Consultation on Proposed Admission priorities 2022-2023
Consultation on Proposed Admission priorities for Crookhorn College for entry into year 7 from September 2022
Crookhorn College is a Foundation school and therefore its own admission authority. When an admission authority wishes to make changes to admission arrangements they must consult to ensure all views are heard.
The Governors of Crookhorn College are embarking on such a consultation process for its Admissions Policy for the September 2022 Year 7 intake and I am writing to invite you to participate in this consultation.
This consultation runs for a period of six weeks from 16 November 2020 until 4 January 2021.
While the majority of the policy remains unchanged from the current version, there is a proposed amendment as follows –
Children of all staff who have been employed at the College for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission was submitted has been moved from priority 5 to priority 3.
This change means the priority of children of staff is in line with all of Hampshire County Council maintained schools. There are currently a total of five children of staff in the College and anticipate no more than three applications per academic year that would meet these criteria.
A copy of the proposed new Admissions Policy, to be implemented for admissions in the academic year of 2022/23 and beyond, is attached below. Paper copies are available to be sent on either written request, by telephoning 02392 251120 or emailing
If you wish to make any comments regarding the changes, please send them to Mrs. Nicola Parker, Clerk to the Governors at the above address or email, to reach her no later than 4 January 2021.
Yours sincerely
Cllr. Jackie Branson
Chair of Governors