Proud to be Crookhorn - Headteacher's message
Dear Students,
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your positive behaviour and attitudes this week. During our OFSTED inspection this week you were able to show the inspection team how you conduct yourselves at College every day, and it was just fantastic that they were able to see what an incredible community of students you are. By the time the inspectors had to give me their final feedback, they were in no doubt about what a special place Crookhorn is and that it is you, collectively, that make it so.
One of the most impressive aspects of the inspection was the way so many of you were able to speak with confidence, pride, and authenticity about your experiences here. The inspectors found it inspiring to hear how you value the support and encouragement you receive to thrive academically and in regard to your own personal development. They were also particularly struck by the warmth of our College environment and the relationships built on mutual respect between students and staff. They could see the effort and pride you put into your work, as well as your enthusiasm for learning and your commitment to participation on an extracurricular level as well.
Your behaviour throughout the visit was excellent, and the way you conducted yourselves in lessons, with your learning, around the College, and in conversations with the inspectors showcased the 3 strands of our ethos brilliantly. You made it clear that Crookhorn is a place where everyone is supported to reach their own personal potential.
Together you truly conveyed the sense of community and care that sets Crookhorn apart, and you inspired the inspectors with a sense of confidence regarding the ‘next generation’.
Be proud, Crookhorn!
- Sarah Bennett, Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
A Heartfelt Thank You for Your Support
I would like to thank all our parent community for your support during the OFSTED inspection this week and thank particularly those parents who took the time to complete the Parent View. Your comments and feedback were all taken on board by the OFSTED inspectors and formed a crucial part of the final evaluations.
What was very clear to the Inspectors through parent voice is that as a community you are hugely involved and committed to the College and to ensuring your children can get the best provision and support possible. Your comments demonstrated the strength of the partnership between the College and yourselves and your trust in the College staff. So many of your kind words of encouragement highlighted the positive and collaborative atmosphere we strive to maintain.
The inspection process has provided an opportunity to reflect on our shared achievements and areas for growth, and we are delighted that these efforts were acknowledged so positively whilst the team were here.
We remain committed to continuing this journey together, building on our successes, and addressing any areas for development that we are constantly in the process of identifying in our drive to deliver the best education and support possible. With your ongoing support, we are confident that we can achieve even greater academic and personal outcomes for our students.
Thank you once again for being such an integral part of the College’s success. We look forward to being able to share the report with you when it is published.
- Sarah Bennett, Headteacher