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Independent Study

Independent study is an essential and integral part of the learning process both inside and outside the classroom. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure independent study is used to promote the quality of student’s learning.

Independent study is most effective when staff are consistent in their approach, parents are supportive of the College’s practice and students are able to perceive the benefits of their efforts. Independent study assignments/tasks can be a range of activities and could involve short regular tasks or longer pieces of written work.

Tasks will be given at least once a fortnight in the core subjects of maths, English, and science, although dependent upon the requirements of the topic being covered, additional tasks may be appropriate. There will be times when the core subjects will set ‘Learn It’ tasks which are weekly and will be set via an online platform and these will often be marked online. All independent study assignments will be set on itslearning for parents to view in the course plans.

Regular independent study tasks, approximately once every two weeks will be set in geography, history, computing, RE, and MFL. The creative arts, technology, and PE will set tasks when the teachers feel it is appropriate to the programme of study during each half-term. Independent study should take approximately 60 minutes per day to complete at KS3.

All Independent study assignments will be accessible to the students via their ‘It’s learning’ course page, which parents can access through their child’s account. If you have any questions about this, please do email your child’s class teacher who will support you.

Parents are encouraged to support and take an interest in their child’s Independent study tasks and to help support them with their completion. Parents are encouraged to contact the college regarding any problems with the assignments.

Independent study assignments for GCSE courses (Year 9, 10 and 11) will still be set in a traditional, weekly manner to support the needs of the students in their upper school courses; these tasks will often have an important role in supporting the completion of coursework and controlled assessments.

study Club

This runs every weekday for every year group in a computer room. A Parentmail was sent home to all parents advertising where the classroom was for your child’s year group. This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to get further support and guidance from a member of staff whilst using the 'itslearning' system. If you would like your child to attend on any day, please do send your child after College straight to their allocated classroom and if you have any further questions please contact