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The College Day

The College day begins at 8.50am. From 8.35am, members of staff are on duty to supervise students. Students are not allowed on to the College site before this time unless they are attending a specific breakfast club.

Please be advised that no vehicles are allowed on to the College site from 2.45pm (2.20pm on Tuesday) for a short period of time, in order to allow students to depart from the site safely.


In order to facilitate changes in the National Curriculum and to continue to offer a broad and balanced coverage of different academic subjects, the College has moved to a two-week timetable. This ensures greater flexibility of the provision offered by the College across both core and foundation subjects and maximises the efficiency of lesson allocation time.

This change results in an earlier finish time on a Tuesday, which allows for a greater variety of extra-curricular opportunities for the students as well as additional training time for staff, to ensure high quality, innovative teaching and learning.

New Timetable - starting Monday 1st July 2024

Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays:

Time Period / activity Duration
8.50am - 9.20am Registration / Assembly (Includes 10 minutes DEAR time) 30 mins
9.20am - 10.20am Period 1 60 mins
10.20am - 11.20am Period 2 60 mins
11.20am - 11.35am Break 15 mins
11.35am - 12.35pm Period 3 60 mins

12.35pm - 1.10pm /

1.10pm - 2.10pm

Lunch for Years 7, 9 & 11 

Period 4 for Years 7, 9 & 11

35 mins

60 Mins

12.35pm - 1.35pm /

1.35pm - 2.10pm

Period 4 for Years 8 & 10 

Lunch for Years 8 & 10

60 mins

35 mins

2.10pm - 3.10pm Period 5 60 mins
3.10pm  Finish  
3.10pm - 4pm Study Club 50 mins
3.15 - 4.15pm Extra-curricular activities & Clubs 60 mins



Time Period / activity Duration
8.50am - 9.35am Registration / PSHRE 45 mins
9.35am - 10.40am Period 1 65 mins
10.40am - 10.55am Break 15 mins

10.55am - 12pm

Period 2 65 mins

12pm - 12.35pm /

12.35pm - 1.40pm

Lunch for Years 7, 9 & 11 

Period 3 for Years 7, 9 & 11

35 mins

65 Mins

12pm - 1.05pm /

1.05pm - 1.40pm

Period 3 for Years 8 & 10 

Lunch for Years 8 & 10

65 mins

35 mins

1.40pm - 2.45pm Period 4 65 mins
2.45pm  Finish  
2.45pm - 3.35pm Study Club 50 mins

*Period includes for students in Years 7-9 a ten-minute private reading session and for Years 10 and 11 ten minutes to complete revision tasks.

**The majority of students will leave at 3.10pm, but the College day has been extended until 3.30pm to provide for those students whose progress has not been satisfactory. Parents will not be given advance notice if their child is required to stay for a 15-minute detention. Parents have access to ClassCharts where all detentions are recorded.