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  • History Walking tour of London

    Published 11/10/22
    On Friday the History Department took 34 students from Y11 and Y10 Early Entry to London, in preparation for their history GCSE next year. The first part of the day was an informative and engaging walking tour led by Mr McGinley, where the group walk
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  • Primary school writing event is a Bestseller!

    Published 06/10/22
    On Thursday 6th October Miss King and Miss Kiddle welcomed forty Year 5 students from Berewood, Bidbury, Mill Hill, Morelands and Purbrook Junior to participate in the ‘Crookhorn Bestseller’ event. They were asked to come up wit
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    Published 30/09/22
    Today Crookhorn staff took part in the World's Biggest Coffee Morning at breaktime, in aid of raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. An overwhelming amount of freshly baked cakes, cookies and confectioneries were created by the College st
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  • Year 9 take part in 'Beyond this' conference

    Published 30/09/22
    This week, all Year 9 Sociology students had a chance to participate in the virtual 'Beyond This' conference where the topics focussed on inequality within gender, sexism and misogyny. This was an amazing experience where the students had the
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  • Class of 2022 Art, Textiles & Photography Exhibition

    Published 28/09/22
      The College would like to express our thanks to everyone that attended the Art, Textiles and Photography Exhibition yesterday, in support for our Class of 2022 students. The work on display was the product of 3 years hard work. Students
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  • Year 11 Post 16 Options Fair

    Published 26/09/22
    On Friday,  Year 11 students attended the Crookhorn College Post 16 Options Careers Fair. Representatives from local colleges, apprenticeship providers, universities, and the armed forces were on hand to answer questions and give advice about
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  • The Crookhorn College community would like to express their sadness on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II

    Published 08/09/22

    Dear All

    As a College Community we have joined together today during tutor time to acknowledge the passing of our Queen and to recognise how she embodied the very words of commitment and responsibility.

    We have looked at what the next 9 days will hold in store, as far as we know and understand at this moment, and we have taken time to answer student questions about this historic period of time.

    As a College we will continue to be guided by the DfE with regards to any specific events, but it is very important to stress that throughout this time of national mourning schools will remain open and students will be expected to attend except under exceptional circumstances.

    From Monday we will have a Book of Condolence which students will have the chance to write in during tutor time. The Book will also be kept in reception for teachers and parents to have the opportunity to record their thoughts in. We feel strongly that it is important to have a record of our community’s response to the end of the longest reign by a monarch in this country for the last 1000 years.

    As I listened to the radio this morning, I was struck by the words of the Archbishop of York who used one of the Queen’s own Christmas broadcasts to sum up best what she as a leader exemplified to us as a nation:

    “Each day is a new beginning, I know the only way to live my life, is to try and do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings and put my trust in God”.

    With these words we move forward into a new historical era as a community and a nation.

    I wish you all the very best

    Mrs S I Bennett, Headteacher

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  • Supporting Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

    Published 05/09/22
    As part of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2022 the College would like to share the story of one of our amazing students:  Meet Eve. Aspiring dancer, lover of all things showbiz. And living with a cancer diagnosis. Eve was diagnosed with
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  • Staff and students Celebrate 2022 Exam Results

    Published 25/08/22
    Despite the challenges of the last three years staff & students at Crookhorn College have much to celebrate with the exam results this year. Covid forced the education world into a different mode of operation, requiring the independence o
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  • Legally Blonde: The Musical JR

    Published 20/07/22
    After two evening performances and a matinee to our local primary schools, our production of Legally Blonde: The Musical JR has wrapped! Thank you to all the parents/ guardians, friends, families, governors, staff and students that came to se
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  • Sports Week 2022

    Published 14/07/22
    Earlier this Month Crookhorn College hosted our annual Sports Week; an entire week dedicated to athletic competitions, brilliantly organised by our PE staff. The week involved a variety of events that took place after College for all our students
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  • Crookhorn staff recognised at the Hampshire Educations Awards 2022

    Published 05/07/22
    The College would like to share the fantastic news that Clare Mack, Our Careers Lead has recently been awarded the Hampshire Educations Awards 2022 'Futures Award'. This is a well-deserved recognition of the excellent job Clare does in wor
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