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2021 GCSE Assessment Arrangements

2021 GCSE Assessment Arrangements

Dear Parent/Carer

Further to my Parentmail dated the 26th of February, please find below a copy of our 2021 GCSE Assessment Guide for all parents, carers and students that has been designed to give updated information in the process of awarding grades this summer.

The guide provides a summary of the information we have shared with teachers, parents and our students over recent weeks. It includes information on the process teachers and students will go through to build up evidence for exam boards. It clearly outlines the key rules that must be followed and covers some frequently asked questions.

We are still awaiting final guidance from exam boards regarding the moderation process that will inform how teachers grade work that is due to be submitted as evidence.

Our Year 11 and Year 10 teachers have been very impressed with the way students have returned to College and ‘hit the ground running’ with their preparations for the upcoming assessments. As you would expect, lessons are very focused on targeted preparation for the key assessment tasks so it is vital that students maintain excellent attendance to all lessons.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about summer 2021 CAG process after reading the attached document, please do contact your child’s Head of House or Mr Collins (Deputy Headteacher) via

Yours sincerely

Mrs S Bennett

2021 GCSE Assessment Guidance

2021 GCSE Assessment Guidance This document should be considered a ‘live’ document that will be updated as Ofqual and Examination Boards add new information regarding 2021 GCSE assessments. This document can be found on our website under the exam tab and will be updated regularly. Introduction As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, extraordinary examination arrangements are in place for awarding GCSE grades to students in the summer of 2021 (See figure 1 below).

Figure 1
The College will use students’ work to put forward as evidence to allow exam boards to award each student a grade for the different subjects they are entered for. Working within the guidance and frameworks set out by exam boards, the College will use an evidence base that is appropriate to the particular subject and provides the best means of assessing student performance in that subject. Whilst class work and past assessment points will contribute to the subject evidence base for all subjects, each subject has set out key assessments that will be used in grade decisions. The College will consider a wide range of evidence for each student before submitting a final recommendation for a grade.

Assessment schedules

Our teachers have designed an assessment schedule for each GCSE class which clearly highlights when upcoming assessments are and how to revise for these. These assessments will provide formalised opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a subject and for teachers to gather a broad base of evidence that can be moderated across all students studying that subject. All these assessment schedules are available to students and parents on the course page on ‘itslearning.’

Moderation of grades

Key assessments, undertaken by all students studying that subject, will be moderated by subject specialist teachers to ensure consistency of assessment and grading for all students entered for the examination. Moderation will be conducted in line with guidance and exemplar material issued from exam boards and, where appropriate, using materials set by the exam board. External moderation will also happen with other schools where possible. Final quality assurance of subject moderation will be undertaken by the member of the Senior Leadership Team with line management responsibility for that subject.

Sharing of final grades with students

After each assessment teachers will share an overview of how the student has performed but this does not mean they will give the student a grade. The student could be given a numerical or percentage score. These assessments will then go through a rigorous internal and external quality assurance process over the coming weeks. The government will be issuing ‘national standards’ in April which all assessments will need to be moderated against. Final submission grades will not be shared with students. Ofqual have stipulated that the sharing of final grade decisions with students must not happen and if this happens this will be deemed exam malpractice.

Awarding of GCSE grades and Results Day 2021

GCSE Results Day is Thursday 12th August 2021. Further details of how students grades will be released closer to the time.

Appeals Process 2021

All students have the right to appeal against the grade they have been awarded. An initial appeal would be made to the College. The College will check for errors and ensure its own processes were followed. If the student wishes to take the appeal further, it must be made to the exam board. The exam board will then review the College’s processes and the evidence used to decide the grade. During the appeals process, the grade awarded to the student could go up or down.