Year 10 Business Studies students raise money for local charity
On Friday, our Year 10 Business Students hosted their first Christmas Market. Split into teams and with a budget of £50 they were tasked with sourcing their own products to sell, creating and manning their stalls and coming up with their own sales strategies.
Christmas hats, lucky dips, goodie bags and games to play were among the items available for our Year 7 & 8 students to purchase. Students could also get a selfie with Santa himself.
Our students didn't quite realise how popular they were going to be and sold out of all their products very quickly. After paying back the initial £50 investment, all the teams had managed to make a very healthy profit for our local charity, which will be providing food for the local community on Christmas day.
A big thank you to all those who bought items and apologies to those who didn't quite manage to spend their money this year.
Thank you all for your support this year, from our Year 10 Business Studies students and our charity partner.