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Sports Day 2024

Recently, Crookhorn College hosted our annual Sports Week; an entire week dedicated to athletic competitions, the importance of keeping active & participating and the love of all things sports, brilliantly organised by our PE staff.

The week involved a variety of events that took place before, during and after College for all our students to sign up and participate in. Following these events, Sports week then culminated with our main Sports Day on Friday 28th June.

This year saw fantastic participation from students in all Houses, leading to 17 College records being broken and 4 new records being set - as part of the newly introduced 'Fun Relay'.

New Sports Week records set this year by individual students:

  • Shot: 7.94m (2.72kg) Frazer .K
  • 100m: 12.30secs Harvey .O
  • 100m: 13.12secs Lucas .G
  • 300m/400m: 54.72secs Henry .D
  • 300m/400m: 58.31secs Ash .S
  • 300m/400m: 1.0315 Ellie .G
  • 300m/400m: 1.06.47 Lucas .Y
  • High Jump: 1.7m Lucas .G
  • High Jump: 1.68m Joseph .S
  • High Jump: 1.5m Lydia .W

All our young athletes competed to an extremely high standard this year, with points being awarded towards winning the coveted Sports Cup.

Although it was fierce competition between the four Houses, Romsey House was once again victorious in taking 1st place and the Sports Cup.

Congratulations to Romsey House for being this year's Sports Cup winners!