Excellent exam results for 2024
Staff and students at Crookhorn College had much to celebrate today with Year 11 & Year 10 Early Entry collecting their exam results.
Since COVID, we have redoubled our efforts on encouraging students to develop the ‘right attitude’ for success. We have done this through our three-strand ethos of the Cornerstones, which focuses on how we behave, GO WEST which is how we look after ourselves and when these two are set, then we can focus on OPEN MIND which is all about how we learn.
Working on having the ‘right attitude’ has led to significant improvements in our attendance across the College but specifically for Year 11, students’ behaviour for learning and in resilience - just never giving up and specifically understanding that we do our best learning when we make mistakes.
When you get this attitude right, children are in a strong place to succeed and that is what this Year 11 Cohort have done spectacularly. So many students collecting their results today are walking away with more than the right grades; they are walking away with the right attitude and that is the most valuable life lesson.
There are a lot of happy staff here today as well who are reaping the rewards of all their unstinting hard work. Unlike the national picture our results have improved significantly. The number of students gaining grades at 4 or above has improved by 4% on last year and by 8% from pre-pandemic levels. English, maths and science have all significantly overachieved on prediction and also against pre pandemic results. We have seen an 8% increase in our BASICS standard pass to 60% and a 9% improvement in our BASICS GOOD pass all of which takes us above pre pandemic standards.
More information about our incredible GCSE results can be found on our exam results page: