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At Crookhorn we have designed our curriculum to allow our students to become resilient and independent learners.

We achieve this by offering a broad and balanced curriculum across a two-week timetable for all year groups and allowing students to make options choices at the end of years 8 and 9. Further information about the Options process can be found on our Year 8 & 9 Options page.

Curriculum model 2022/2023

Curriculum Years 7 and 8 (two-week timetable)

  Year 7 (lessons) %age time Year 8 (lessons) %age time
Maths 9 15.3 8 13.6
English 10 17 10 17
Science 6 10.2 8 13.6
MFL 4 6.8 4 6.8
History 4 6.8 4 6.8
Geography 4 6.8 4 6.8
RE 4 6.8 4 6.8
Technology 6 10.2 6 10.2
Art 2 3.4 2 3.4
Drama 2 3.4 2 3.4
Music 2 3.4 2 3.4
Dance 1 1.7 1 1.7
PE 4 6.8 4 6.8
Computing 2 3.4 1 1.7

Curriculum Years 9,10 and 11 (two-week timetable)

  Year 9 (lessons) Year 10 (lessons) Year 11 (lessons) KS4 %age time
Ma 9 8 10 16.2
En 10 10 12 18.1
Sc 8 10 12 16.9
PE 3 3 3 5.1
Early Option 8 9   9.8
Regular Option 5 6 7 10.3
Regular Option 5 6 7 10.3
Regular Option 5 6 7 10.3
Regular Option 5      

Principles of the Crookhorn Curriculum

  • We believe it is essential for Crookhorn to have a broad and balanced curriculum encompassing a good range of choice through foundation subjects whilst also building capacity with the EBACC subjects, specifically languages and triple science. We want all our students to find their area of excellence.
  • As students come into Crookhorn significantly below national average as a cohort on literacy and numeracy, we believe it is essential to have a significant proportion of the curriculum committed to English and maths.
  • To help build capacity and resilience with our learners we have an early option in Year 10 where all students take a specific GCSE early. To ensure the success of this early entry curriculum time is heavily loaded towards the subject in Year 9 and 10 allowing for an immersive learning experience which supports learners at all levels of attainment.
  • We believe our curriculum should allow higher attaining students to be able to take an MFL and 3 other full options, so they have maximum choice post 16 for whichever route they take, including entry into top universities in the country.
  • Our curriculum needs to ensure that students of all attainment levels can achieve strong level 2 qualifications to enable routes into the wealth of Level 3 and apprenticeship qualifications post 16. Our early entry enables more curriculum time in Year 11 for the remaining option subjects. Our curriculum needs to ensure our NEET figure is as close to 0% as possible