Pupil Premium
At Crookhorn College we believe passionately that high quality educational and enrichment opportunities should be available to all students, irrespective of their background. We strive to be a truly inclusive College and place great emphasis on supporting all students to reach their true potential by making the very best use of all available resources, including the Pupil Premium.
At the very heart of Crookhorn is an inclusive and aspirational ethos. We invest heavily in both the quality of teaching and extra-curricular support in areas such as careers and further education guidance. As such we deploy our Pupil Premium funding carefully, regularly monitor its impact and are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to achieve maximum impact.
Identified barriers to future attainment (for students eligible for PP)
- Poor prior Literacy skills as a result of low prior KS2 scores amongst PP students.
- High proportion of crossover between SEND & PP students leading to ‘double disadvantage’
- Low aspirations as a result of community deprivation and lack of support at home resulting in lack of engagement with education.
The Pupil Premium Strategy at Crookhorn is focused on three priority areas:
- A comprehensive review of the current provision on a regular and ongoing basis.
- Quality First Teaching
- Building Cultural Capital
These areas of focus have been identified through the interrogation of both internal and external data, research findings from organisations such as the Education Endowment Foundation and a comprehensive understanding of our students and their backgrounds.