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Year 6 to 7 Transition

We are very aware of how challenging the transition from primary to secondary can be, for parents as much as for students themselves. We aim to make this transition as smooth as possible as we welcome your child to our College.

This section of our website will be regularly updated with as much information as possible to try and support you and your child in this process.

Key transition dates for the academic year:

Transition Day for all students: Wednesday 3rd July 2024 at 8.40am

Transition Evening for all parents/ guardians: Thursday 4th of July 2024 at 5.30pm

Transition process

The transition process from Junior school to Crookhorn starts in early March when allocations are made by County for places.

Information is collated by the Junior schools in readiness for our staff who work in the transition team to arrange meetings to collect details on the performance and personalities of the new cohort to Crookhorn. This year our transition team have held meetings with all the Year 6 teachers from our feeder schools, so we can get the information from the people who have taught and developed the children during their primary years. This coordination helps to provide detailed background on your child which is used by specialist Crookhorn staff to identify future needs of students on their arrival and to allocate individuals to Houses and Tutors to make the transition to secondary education as smooth as possible.

Once the College has the definitive list of new entrants for the September start contact is made with the parents and an information booklet will be sent out explaining some key strands of Crookhorn life. This will include information about College activities, key staff, the process of transition and the important roles parents, students and Crookhorn play to make this process successful.

Uniform is available online from ‘Skoolkit’ who also have a shop in Havant, located in The Meridian Centre. The first day for Year 7 students and Year 11 prefects is Tuesday 3rd September at 8.50am. Students follow a 'Smart Start' programme of activities for the first 3 days which is designed to give students a solid base from which to thrive in Year 7. ‘Smart Start’ is a programme of different lessons introducing students to each curriculum area covering the core elements they need to be ready for the reality of starting secondary school and also other key areas such as; meeting their House tutor, learning the fire drill procedures, getting lost and finding themselves again, logging into the ICT and learning platform systems and making new friends. The whole College student body returns on Wednesday 4th September 2024 where Year 7 students meet their fellow House tutees and everyday life at Crookhorn begins.

You will have a chance to meet your child's Tutor during the first Year 7 Tutor Evening in September. This is a chance for parents/carers to discuss how they have settled in. It also gives the tutor an opportunity to find out more about the family in relation to their child's interests and aspirations. More details will be sent out about this day at the start of September.

We are now in the process of allocating the students into classes for September. All classes are mixed-attaining and all will be studying Spanish as their Modern Foreign Language.

Transition Booklet

Please find attached at the bottom of this page a link to our transition booklet that has been produced to give you some key information for you and your child. This document introduces some key staff, a summary of our ethos and values, the format of the College day, and much more. If you have any questions about any of the information, please email with the title of ‘Transition’ and we'll reply as soon as possible.


The House system

On entry to the College all students are assigned to a tutor group in one of the four Houses: Arundel, Goodwood, Petworth or Romsey. The House system is a fundamental part of the College, where the ethos and principles of Crookhorn are built. Each House has a member of staff known as the ‘Head of House’ who is responsible for the overall pastoral care of the students in the House and who are assisted by their tutor team.

Travelling to the College

Hampshire County Council has provided the College with resources to help you plan your journey/route to Crookhorn in September. The resource consists of a map on one side, which has our secondary school at its centre point with useful key information such as footpaths, cycle lanes, Park and Stride locations. On the reverse side, you will find some hints, tips, and key points to consider, depending on how the child will be travelling e.g., if they intend to cycle, they have provided key elements to check on their bike and cycling behaviour. There are also general points such as not being distracted by devices when crossing roads, ensuring that they are respectful to other road users/passengers and neighbours as well as knowing who to call if they feel unsafe. Please use the button below to access this information:

If you are planning on travelling by bus, the bus lines that currently stop outside the College are 7 & 37.

Reading Canon Challenge

Have a go at your first reading canon review.

Useful documents for new Year 7 starters

At the bottom of this page you will find useful documents for Year 7 students starting with us in September. These are available to view and download as PDF's. Information about our College Policies, uniform requirements and recommended school equipment can be found using these links: