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Trips and Visits

Over the course of the academic year, we run a number of exciting trips and visits.

These range from day trips to locations such as Winchester Cathedral and The Royal Courts of Justice, to longer overseas trips to locations such as Picardy, France and Madrid, Spain. We also run a highly successful ski trip to the slopes in Austria, as well as, our popular trip to Disneyland Paris - there really is something for everyone!

In addition to our educational trips, the College is also a well established Duke of Edinburgh Award centre with Year 10 students able to undertake their Bronze Award.

Below you will find a provisional calendar of the overseas and residential trips planned for 2024/25 and 2025/26.

2024 schedule

Trip / Activity Date / Academic Year  Destination

Year Group(s)

Skip Trip February Half Term Austria  

Year 7 Summer Camp

Monday 17th - Wednesday 19th June 2024 Fairthorne Manor Year 7
Madrid Trip Wednesday 16th - Saturday 19th October 2024 Madrid, Spain Y9,10 & 11
Science Trip to Belgium Space Centre Friday 1st - Monday 4th November 2024 Belgium Y9, 10 & 11 Triple Science students

2025 schedule

Trip / Activity Date / Academic Year  Destination

Year Group(s)

Year 11 Camp Friday 20th - Saturday 21st September 2025 Tile Barn Year 11
Disneyland Paris Monday 17th -Wednesday 19th February 2025 Paris, France Years 8 - 11
Berlin History Trip Thursday 27th February - Saturday 1st March 2025 Berlin, Germany Years 9 - 11

Year 7 Summer Camp

w/c 16th June 2025 Fairthorne Manor Year 7

2026 schedule

Trip / Activity Date / Academic Year Destination Year Group(s)
Eswatini 2-week Expedition Easter 2026 Eswatini, Africa Students in Years 9 & 10 in 2026 

College trips and visits can only run if there is sufficient uptake. The information and dates are correct at the time of publication. If any significant details change regarding a College trip, a Parentmail message will be sent directly to those affected. 

Students whose attendance is below 90% (without medical evidence) will not be eligible for a place on this visit.  In addition, students with a Classcharts behaviour record of less than 75% positive points will be reviewed, before a place is confirmed.