Our House System
On entry to the College, all students are assigned to a tutor group in one of the four Houses: Arundel, Goodwood, Petworth or Romsey.
The House system at Crookhorn is fundamental to the pastoral organisation of the College. It plays an integral part of life at Crookhorn by providing healthy competition between the four houses, promoting inclusion for all students through a broad range of activities, and providing pastoral support to students throughout their time here at Crookhorn.
The Head of House is responsible for the overall pastoral care of the students in the House and are assisted by their tutor team. There are also several student roles vital to the House system, including those of House Captain, Welfare Captain and Senior Prefect.
Throughout the year competitions are organised by PE, modern foreign languages, English, mathematics and science to name but a few. Every student that takes part achieves House Points; it really is the taking part that counts! Numerous cups are available to win each year including the Competitions Cup, House Cup, Attendance Cup, Sports Day Cup, and the Year 8 Hobbies and Interests Cup.