Ambitious Curriculum for All
Part A: Intent for Curriculum
The fundamental goal of learning at Crookhorn is to create young people who are inquisitive about the world around them. We aim to develop their motivation in growing their knowledge and skills so that their future contribution, as ‘the next generation’ of this world, is a positive one.
Our vision is that the students are inspired by learning, so they continually seek to expand their knowledge and experience outside the classroom. We encourage all our students to develop an OPEN MIND philosophy. We use OPEN MIND as a daily reminder of what learning means at Crookhorn:
It is essential to the College that we encourage students to develop a life-long love of learning, through a disciplined, yet enjoyable, approach to their studies. We expect a high level of personal commitment from all students, both inside and outside the classroom. The 6 principles of the Crookhorn curriculum are;
- We believe it is essential for Crookhorn to have a broad and balanced curriculum encompassing a good range of choice through Foundation subjects whilst also building capacity with the EBACC subjects specifically Languages and triple science. The broadness of our curriculum enables students to develop their cultural capital whilst also find their own specific area of subject knowledge or skill expertise.
- As students come into Crookhorn significantly below national average as a cohort on literacy and numeracy we believe it is essential to have a significant proportion of the curriculum committed to English and Maths. Further to this we have an extensive literacy strategy where students are encouraged to read each day and extend and grow their academic vocabulary.
- To help build capacity and resilience with our learners we have an early option in Year 10 where all students take a specific GCSE early. To ensure the success of this early entry curriculum time allows for an immersive learning experience which supports learners at all levels of attainment.
- For those students where the national and GCSE curriculums are not accessible, an alternative curriculum pathway is in place that develops throughout the 5 years. This pathway enables these learners to achieve a broad and balanced education for their future whilst also providing challenge and the opportunity to develop a love of learning.
- Crookhorn promotes fundamental British values and principles across all elements of its curriculum. These values are reflected in the very ethos of the College four cornerstones and are a essential part of the tutor time curriculum too. The Crookhorn PSHRE (personal, social, health, religious education) curriculum supports students to be safe, healthy, and prepared for life’s opportunities whilst delivering core aspects of religious studies to enable all students to engage with the diverse range of beliefs and ideas in the wider community.
- Crookhorn’s commitment to the career’s education programme is extensive and spread across all 5 years in line with the Gatsby benchmarks. It is our absolute belief that all students at any level will progress on to the next stage of education with a pathway mapped out for their future lives. The strength of belief is recognised in our Gold Investors in Careers standard.
Implementation through teachers
The delivery of the curriculum is supported and aided by a sophisticated web based Learning Management System, which enables teachers to promote student learning independence.
‘itslearning’ is our pedagogical digital platform which incorporates a variety of methods for interaction and engagement amongst students and staff. The key principle is to allow students to access the subject knowledge and skills through the components of learning by which the curriculum is delivered. The students can use this access for the purpose of retrieval and consolidation or for the purpose of flipped learning - by pre-preparing some of the fundamentals for the next component.
Teachers plan from the curriculum map, where the learning has been carefully organised into interlinking and sequential topics. Each topic contains a Big Question which is then delivered to the students through a ‘medium-term plan’ (MTP). The MTP is made up of a sequence of components that allows for the knowledge and skills to be built up in a constructive and supportive way leading ultimately to the student being able to provide a robust answer to the ‘Big Question’.
Throughout the delivery of the component’s, teachers assess the students understanding and from this review amend the future planning to ensure that student knowledge is secure. This is an ongoing cycle throughout the year.
Check for understanding (CFU)
‘itslearning’ also plays an integral part in the completion of homework. Homework is set via itslearning and can take a number of forms, from traditional essays to low stakes multiple choice quizzes, online discussions or engaging with a clip to prepare for the next lesson. ‘itslearning’ also provides a platform for other 3rd party digital learning providers such as Maths Watch and SENECA, which teachers can also use to set homework or retrieval-based tasks.
All check for understanding and assessment grades are also kept on ‘itslearning’ for all students so that they can access their progress at all times in the subject. This also provides parental access to this information as well, thereby strengthening the academic partnership between teachers and parents.
Curriculum maps
Art & Design
Art Curriculum Intent
- The art department aims to build the knowledge and skill of students to be able to think critically and interpret meaning from images which they then can express orally and in writing.
- We encourage working in a collaborative peer-learning environment where ideas are freely discussed and solutions to problems are sought in a creative way.
- Our curriculum is designed to foster independence through differentiation which enables effective self-directed work through itslearning and the sketch books.
- We aim to build confidence with students, so they think through the process of creation rather than just focus on the outcome. To do this they need to have the creative thought process and desire to explore through class and enrichment resources, a range of techniques and experiment with different materials.
Art Curriculum maps
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Art - Textiles
Textiles Curriculum Intent
- The textiles department aims to build the knowledge and skill of students to be able to think critically and interpret meaning from images which they then can express orally and in writing.
- We encourage working in a collaborative peer-learning environment where ideas are freely discussed and solutions to problems are sought in a creative way.
- Our blended learning curriculum is designed to foster independence through differentiation which enables effective self-directed work through itslearning and the sketch books.
- We aim to build confidence with students, so they think through the process of creation rather than just focus on the outcome. To do this they need to have the creative thought process and desire to explore through class and enrichment resources, a range of techniques and experiment with different materials.
Textiles Curriculum maps
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Business Studies
Business studies Curriculum Intent
- The Business department aims to support students to develop enterprising skills, the ability to think commercially and creatively in order to demonstrate business acumen.
- We will build on students’ confidence in the subject through exploring business concepts and issues, helping them to gain an understanding of the dynamic nature of business and the impact on individuals and the wider society.
- Our curriculum is designed to spark the students’ imagination and inspire commercial thinking through practical and engaging resources, using real and relevant business examples.
- We encourage students to work independently and collaboratively to enable them to successfully investigate and analyse real business scenarios through a blended learning approach. This builds students’ confidence in the knowledge and understanding they need to solve business related problems and to apply the theory they have learnt . With guided help, they will construct well-argued, well-evidenced, balanced and structured arguments, develop and apply quantitative skills relevant to business, including using and interpreting data.
Business studies Curriculum map
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Child Development
Child Development Curriculum Intent
- The Child Development department aims to allow students the freedom to explore more deeply in the topic areas that interest them within the Child Development specification. This is through practical work, learning skills and how to do things that are relevant to the world of work.
- Our blended learning curriculum is designed to foster independence through differentiation, which enables effective self-directed and independent work through itslearning and the coursework modules.
- We encourage students to build the knowledge and skills of writing professionally, with guided help (in the form of literacy mats/specific lessons on literacy), so that they can express their research in a meaningful way.
- We strive to build independence and resilience by allowing students to complete their coursework earlier in the course, to aid them with high attainment levels.
- We boost high aspirations by giving students enrichment opportunities such as visitors from people in the industry and allowing them to complete a first aid qualification.
Child Development Curriculum Map
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Computer Science
Computer Science Curriculum Intent
- We aim to equip students with skills in a range of technologies to prepare them for the ever-changing world in which we live. Students are inspired to develop a curiosity of emerging technologies and, through a blended learning approach, they critically assess and analyse the impacts of digital technology to the individual and wider society.
- Our curriculum enables students to analyse problems in computational terms through practical problem-solving experience. Computing skills are built on through independent and collaborative learning, where students are guided in how to use a range of software and coding languages for diversity and transferal of skills. Students are encouraged to become confident learners and increase their resilience when faced with challenging tasks.
- We aim to develop students’ self-evaluation skills in areas such as online safety and the digital footprint they leave, in order to reflect and know where to go to keep themselves safe. Students are asked to consider the social, economic, ethical and environmental aspects of technology with a view to making an informed choice for the future.
- We recognise the valuable role this subject plays in delivering skills that are used cross-curricular by many subjects in the College. We offer various opportunities for students to enhance and enrich their knowledge and skills in the subject both in and out of the classroom.
- We believe the subject should be inclusive and as such all are encouraged to be aspirational in their planning for career choices that may benefit from the many elements the course offers.
Computer Science Curriculum maps
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creative imedia
The Creative iMedia department aims to build the knowledge and skill of students to be able to creatively interpret design briefs which they can then express orally and in writing.
We encourage working in a collaborative peer-learning environment where ideas are freely discussed and solutions to problems are sought in a creative way.
Our blended curriculum is designed to foster independence through differentiation which enables effective self-directed work through itslearning and sketch books.
We aim to build confidence with students, so they think through the process of creation rather than just focus on the outcome. To do this, they need to have the creative thought process and desire to explore through class and enrichment resources and a range of techniques.
Dance Curriculum Intent
- The Dance department aims to deliver a vast and varied curriculum that gives students an opportunity to discover what they are ‘good at’ and develop their passion for our subject from there.
- We encourage students to work in a collaborative way where problems and challenges can be solved in a creative way.
- Our blended learning curriculum is designed to promote independent learning and self-motivation. Our itslearning plans provide opportunities for self-directed work and enrichment activities.
- We aim to build the confidence of the students, so they fully understand the skills needed throughout the whole creative process and can do so on a regular basis. The opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities provides students with the opportunity to explore their interest further and increase their resilience.
- At KS4 we offer a vocational course and believe it is very important to provide students with the opportunity to see their subject in a professional setting, going to see live performances, working with professional performers and performing inside public venues.
Dance Curriculum maps
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Developing Blended Learners Programme / Study Skills
DBLP/Study Skills statement of intent
Our developing blended learners/study skills programme aims to:
Provide students with an understanding of how we learn. Why regular revision and retrieval of knowledge is important to secure it in the long-term memory.
Teach students how to access blended learning resources so that they can refer back to any subject knowledge when needed.
Teach the revision techniques of cue cards and mind maps that they our students can then apply to all their curriculum subjects.
Guide students on how to manage their independent study time to make this as effective as possible.
DBLP/Study Skills Curriculum maps
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Drama Curriculum Intent
- The Drama department aims to deliver a vast and varied curriculum that gives students an opportunity to discover what they are ‘good at’ and develop their passion for our subject from there.
- We encourage students to work in a collaborative way where problems and challenges can be solved in a creative way.
- Our blended learning curriculum is designed to promote independence and self-motivation. Our itslearning plans provide opportunities for self-directed work and enrichment activities.
- We aim to build the confidence of the students, so they fully understand the skills needed throughout the whole creative process and can do so on a regular basis. The opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities provides students with the opportunity to explore their interest further and increase their resilience.
- At KS4 we offer a vocational course and believe it is very important to provide students with the opportunity to see their subject in a professional setting, going to see live performances, working with professional performers and performing inside public venues.
Drama Curriculum maps
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English Curriculum Intent
- English is for life, not just for College. We aim to equip our students to succeed with the necessary communication skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), so they may become engaged, active and successful members of society.
- The English department aims to build the knowledge and skills of students to be able to think critically and evaluatively, to interpret meaning from texts which they then express fluently, both orally and in writing.
- We encourage working in an enjoyable, blended, and open-minded collaborative learning environment, where ideas are sensitively discussed and alternative interpretations are explored, in a respectful way.
- Our five-year curriculum is designed to explore and encourage response to the richness of the English literary heritage, through both class and enrichment activities.
English Curriculum maps
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Geography Curriculum intent
- We in the Geography department aim to build the knowledge, understanding and skills of all our students to enable them to make the world make sense.
- We strive to encourage understanding and empathy around the issues we study and support students to see the importance of their actions within these.
- We develop their understanding of the key principles of sustainable futures, fostering environmentally conscious and responsible members of our community - the next generation.
- Through our teaching strategies within the classroom, through blended learning and via homework, we aim to nurture student’s resilience and confidence in their application of literacy, numeracy and critical thinking skills via relevant case studies, fieldwork opportunities and examples from the syllabus and the news around us.
Geography Curriculum maps
Click the links below to open:
- Geography - Year 7 - Curriculum Map.pdf
- Geography - Year 8 - Curriculum Map.pdf
Geography - Year 9 Early Entry - Curriculum Map.pdf - Geography - Year 9 - Curriculum Map.pdf
Geography - Year 10 Early Entry - Curriculum Map.pdf - Geography - Year 10 - Curriculum Map.pdf
- Geography - Year 11 - Curriculum Map.pdf
History Curriculum Intent
History Curriculum
- History department aims to enthuse and excite students of all attainment levels and engage them in studying History.
- Students will develop substantive knowledge (the history of Britain and the wider world) whilst also learning disciplinary knowledge (how historians investigate the past and use different types of evidence to construct historical claims).
- Students will develop skills of analysis and evaluation and be able to form substantiated judgements on key issues, people, and events led by debates on historical scholarship.
- Students will be able to explain their historical arguments both orally and in writing.
- Through teaching in the classroom and blended learning, we encourage independence and resilience.
- History encourages a can-do attitude for students where ‘it is ok to make mistakes’ in the pursuit of achieving their best.
- We aim to enrich student knowledge and experience of studying History by using extra-curricular events and clubs.
- Our curriculum is designed to develop an interest in the world around us through the study of contemporary issues and their historical context.
History curriculum maps
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Mathematics Curriculum Intent
At Crookhorn College we believe that all students deserve a curriculum that is, ambitious, sequenced and differentiated to meet their learning needs. This will lead to all our students to;
- becoming fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
- being able to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language and oracy.
- be able to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and nonroutine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
Where appropriate students will be stretched and where some students struggle to grasp a concept/s, teaching will be varied, and content scaffolded suitably.
Student are taught/shown varied methods to suit their learning needs and where additional support is needed via modelling, use of manipulatives, pictorial representation leading to abstract workings.
Students are encouraged to engage in appropriate discussion with their peers and their teacher to develop deeper understanding of the concepts being taught.
Through effective use of Blended Learning, we are able to deliver our curriculum through collaborative planning, quality first teaching, retrieval practice, assessing, feedback, analysing and intervention/corrective teaching.
Teachers systematically check pupils’ understanding effectively throughout the lesson and in a more formal setting at the end of a unit of work. Any misconceptions are then addressed and corrected.
This will lead to students having an enjoyable experience of mathematics at secondary level and giving them a platform for further study in the subject and or the key skills needed life after education.
Mathematics Curriculum maps
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Modern Foreign Languages
Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum Intent
The MFL department aims to develop students to become confident and independent language learners who are equipped with the necessary skills for further language study.
We aim to provide first-hand experience of foreign language and culture via audio-visual resources in the classroom, through blended learning with itslearning, trips and contact with native speakers.
Our curriculum is designed to develop the skills and confidence to be able to communicate in the target language in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
We aim to foster a love of language learning through engaging lessons and a wide variety of communicative activities in the classroom, whilst encouraging accuracy in terms of grammar and pronunciation.
Modern foreign languages Curriculum maps
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Music Curriculum Intent
- The Music department aims to build the musical knowledge, understanding and skill of students by providing a broad and balanced curriculum that aims to excite and engage students to become passionate about Music and have the freedom to be creative.
- Our curriculum is delivered with a blended learning approach to develop independence through use of accessible enrichment resources built into the Music course pages within the itslearning platform.
- We encourage students to work in a collaborative way where problems and challenges can be solved in a creative way.
- We aim to build the confidence of students, so they fully understand the skills required throughout the whole creative process of performing and composing.
- The opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities provides students with the opportunity to explore their interest further and increase their resilience.
- At KS4 we offer a vocational course and believe it is very important to provide students with the opportunity to see their subject in a professional setting, going to see live performances, working with professional performers, and performing inside public venues.
Music Curriculum maps
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Photography Curriculum Intent
- The photography department aims to build the knowledge and skill of students to be able to think critically and interpret meaning from images which they then can express orally and in writing.
- We encourage working in a collaborative peer-learning environment where ideas are freely discussed and solutions to problems are sought in a creative way.
- Our blended learning curriculum is designed to foster independence through differentiation which enables effective self-directed work through itslearning and the sketch books.
- We aim to build confidence with students, so they think through the process of creation rather than just focus on the outcome. To do this they need to have the creative thought process and desire to explore through class and enrichment resources, a range of techniques and experiment with different materials.
Photography Curriculum maps
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physical education
Physical Education Curriculum Intent
The PE department aims to inspire all students to enjoy PE. Our curriculum provides a platform to develop students’ physical competencies as well as key values such as fairness and respect through a variety of physical activities.
Students will develop knowledge of rules, strategies, and tactics across a broad range of activities. The PE learning experience at Crookhorn College aims to ensure that students have a strong understanding of the mental and physical benefits of exercise, inspiring future generations to develop healthy habits for lifelong participation in physical activity.
Blended learning and the use of our ItsLearning platform supports the work our students complete in lessons by providing additional opportunities for feedback and resources to support or extend their learning journey in PE.
Physical education Curriculum maps
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PSHRE - Personal, social, health & religious education
PSHRE Statement of Intent
Our curriculum aims to provide students with:
- a sound understanding of their role as a citizen now and in the future.
- the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepare for life and work in modern day Britain.
- a broad and balanced programme, so they build on knowledge throughout KS3 & 4 which in turn will deepen students understanding of themselves and will create reflective and independent learners.
- the opportunity to consider wider societal and personal issues and the ability to develop critical thinking to make safe and informed decisions.
- Access to blended learning resources they can refer back to when needed.
PSHRE Curriculum maps
Click the links below to open:
Religious Studies
Religious Studies Curriculum Intent
Religious Studies at Crookhorn is taught throughout all years, with some RS embedded into the PSHRE curriculum in KS4. Within all Religious Studies programmes of study:
- The Religious Studies department aims to encourage and support students to challenge their thinking, develop evaluation skills and be able to express ideas with reasoning, verbally and in written work.
- We aim to provide students with enrichment experiences that allow an insight into the beliefs and lives of religious believers, to run alongside the curriculum.
- Our curriculum is designed to stimulate all student’s curiosity about and engagement with the diverse range of beliefs and ideas in the community, through a varied curriculum.
- We aim to build student resilience, so they can learn from mistakes, use the blended learning resources to embed knowledge and be independent in their learning.
Religious Studies in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton intends to play an educational part in the lives of children and young people as they come to speak, think and act in the world. Schools follow the Hampshire Agreed Syllabus (Living Difference IV and education).
Religious Studies Curriculum maps
The Religious Studies Curriculum Maps are structured as a 5-year plan for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11. Click the links below to open:
Academic year of 2024-2025
- Religious Studies - Autumn 5-Year Plan Curriculum Map.pdf
- Religious Studies - Spring 5-Year Plan Curriculum Map.pdf
- Religious Studies - Summer 5-Year Plan Curriculum Map.pdf
Academic year of 2025-2026
Science Curriculum Intent
- Blending learning – The online presence the science department has is to be comprehensive, minimising the gap when students are required to work from home. All science staff are to teach through the plans, which are made bespoke for groups and provide an integrated educational experience where the needs of all learners can be met.
- Curriculum – Our curriculum is designed to foster curiosity about the world students live in as well as developing independence, allowing students to solve problems and operate as scientists. The teaching model adopted is the precise learning model which help all students learn and retain information across key stages.
- Retrieval – Low stakes multiple choice its-learning tests used for weekly homework’s aid retrieval. These are able to be followed up in lessons if necessary. Also, new weekly classroom-based activity “blast from the past” is intended to check for both understanding and long-term learning. This activity will be used directly alongside the curriculum maps to ensure that thorough checks for both understanding of recent work and embedded learning are able to be carried out, pulling ‘threads’ together between units and disciplines.
- Literacy – Spelling and grammar, capitals and full stops focused upon – Communication is a vital skill for scientists, especially through written work. SPO tasks and because but so, are regular features in lessons in the science department with the intent to create not just great scientists but great written communicators.
- Numeracy – To endow students with the necessary numeracy skills to become successful scientists. This ranges from graphs skills to making factors the subject of equations. Wherever possible it is intended that such problems will be taught modelled and demonstrated in a way that allows students to the metacognitive processes required when operating numerically as a scientist.
- Enrichment – Scientists at Crookhorn are developing understanding by completing application tasks, allowing for problem-solving real-world content. The college’s careers department supports science in promoting STEM topics by making available many enrichment activities and trips, such as. Other enrichment actives include deep learning days and Year 11 Masterclass days. These explore key areas of content that both promotes real life skills and is relevant to the national curriculum. Science Club promotes a love of learning in science by getting students to see and experience many different aspects of scientific ideas and practical activities promoting natural curiosity.
Science Curriculum maps
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Sociology Curriculum Intent
- The Sociology department aims to allow all students to understand and be critically aware of the world around them. By doing this they will be encouraged to explore and debate contemporary social issues that are important to them, so they can question their everyday understanding of these.
- Through blended learning they will develop their own sociological awareness so that they are able to play a positive, active, and informed role in society.
- Our curriculum is designed to inspire independent learning through differentiation, which enables effective self-directed work through itslearning and the research methods modules, challenging students so that they are ready for the next steps after Crookhorn.
- We encourage students to build the knowledge and skills of writing professionally, with guided help (in the form of literacy mats, TWR etc), so that they can express their thoughts and research in a meaningful way.
- We strive to build confidence and resilience by following a spiral curriculum and adding in lots of room to talk through ideas for, to aid them with high attainment levels in their exams.
- We boost high aspirations by giving students enrichment opportunities such as visitors from people within the world of Sociology, conferences, and other trips.
Sociology Curriculum map
Click the link below to open:
Technology Curriculum Intent
What is the driving purpose of our curriculum?
- The technology department builds Designing, manufacture and evaluative skills throughout Years 7 & 8.
- A coherent approach to support lifelong problem-solving skills, delivered collaboratively through the four specialisms. Building the resilience needed in the ever more technological world, where students grow in confidence to learn in greater depth independently, through a mix of teacher input in the classroom supported by organised access to resources for blended learning.
- To find the curriculum area that will enable our students to excel, providing them with the springboard for a technological future.
- To expose students to a technological landscape where they experience the cutting edge of the subject whilst experiencing the core skills that will last a lifetime.
- To celebrate the individual successes that we see in the department where a student has found the skill that they excel in and use this to motivate their resilience in other areas.
- To provide a wide and varied vocational offer that is supported by the needs of local businesses, best preparing students for a clear progression into employment.
Technology Curriculum maps
Click the links below to open:
- Design Technology - Year 7 - Curriculum Map.pdf
- Design Technology - Year 8 - Curriculum Map.pdf
- Catering - Years 9, 10 & 11 - Curriculum Map.pdf
- Construction - Years 9, 10 & 11- Curriculum Map.pdf
- Engineering - Years 9, 10 & 11 - Curriculum Map.pdf
- Graphics - Years 9, 10 & 11 Curriculum Map.pdf
- Graphics NCFE (new specification) - Years 9, 10 & 11 - Curriculum Map.pdf
Alternative curriculum Provision
Alternative Curriculum Intent
At Crookhorn we believe in a curriculum for all. Our Alternative Curriculum provides access to a broad and balanced array of subjects but taught in a more accessible way. Students completing the Alternative curriculum will complete entry level qualifications in Maths, English, Science, Humanities, IT, Catering and Healthy Living & Fitness. They will also have supported study sessions to allow them to complete home learning. Students will study PSHRE and Core PE with the main cohort. They will also attend their standard Tutor group and be able to have access to all House events.
Through the Alternative Curriculum we aim to:
- Engage and enthuse students in areas of the curriculum that are essential for independent living
- Motivate students through a fully differentiated curriculum
- Support students to feel valued and appropriately challenged as learners
Year 9 Alternative Curriculum Maps
Click the links below to open:
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 9 English Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 9 Mathematics Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 9 Science Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 9 Business Studies Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 9 Humanities Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 9 ICT Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 9 Catering Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 9 Healthy Living and Fitness Curriculum Map.pdf
Year 10 Alternative Curriculum Maps
Click the links below to open:
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 10 English Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 10 Mathematics Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 10 Science Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 10 Business Studies Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 10 Humanities Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 10 ICT Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 10 Catering Curriculum Map.pdf
- Alternative Curriculum - Year 10 Healthy Living and Fitness Curriculum Map.pdf
Careers programme
The careers programme at Crookhorn College is split into two main areas: Education during PSHE and Enrichment Activities and Careers Awareness/Guidance. Both are linked together and are audited against three sets of standards, PHSE Curriculum, Gatsby Benchmarks and the CDI Framework. This is to ensure the students are prepared to take the next steps of their education/training after leaving school.
More information about our Careers education programme can be found on our Careers page:
Impact - What the students achieve
- Consistently low levels of NEET every year.
- English and maths progress above national average.
- Improving student achievement since 2019 despite disruption from pandemic. This is for all groups of students.
- Culturally rich and diverse curricular and extra-curricular experiences which inspires student love of learning and engagement (See extra-curricular page).
- Behaviour for learning as a result of strong curriculum and medium-term planning resulting in significant drops in suspension rates and internal inclusion rates.
- Growth of student independence with learning as a result of the ‘itslearning’ platform and the way it facilitates this (Study Club engagement).
- Students confidence in being able to articulate a reasoned response using academic language.
- An oversubscribed school with is recognised for its strength of curriculum and quality of teaching and learning as well as its pastoral care and personal development opportunities.
Student Voice 2024:
“There is something for everyone here.”
“We are always told where everything is - in regard to our learning.”
“Our subjects are very supportive especially English- I love the library lessons in particular.”
“Itslearning is great; we can get what we want when we want it.”
“itslearning enables us to catch up on missed work if we are absent for a day or a lesson for what ever reason.”
“The learning environment here is nice - it is a nice place to learn.”
“There is such a variety of subjects here, its amazing - you will definitely find something you love.”
Should you require any further information about the curriculum we offer at the College, please contact James Collins, Deputy Headteacher via email: